Closet Re-Organization

This week has been a whirlwind! Zach and I are house hunting to buy our first place and we’re getting closer to finding the right neighborhood for us. It’s kind of crazy how much we’ve learned about Denver and the surrounding suburbs in such a short period of time, but it’s been so helpful in narrowing down our search, which was previously very scattered.

One thing I’m looking for in our future home is a slightly bigger bedroom and more closet space. We don’t currently have room for a dresser, so when we moved in, Zach came up with the solution of putting one in the closet. It’s a standard sized closet that normally has sliding doors, but taking them off gave us a lot more space, and we can easily re-install them before we move out!

Having the closet open all the time, though, meant seeing everything all the time. I really hated having a mess as my view at the end of the day, and the amount of times I refolded things that fell from the top shelf were too many to count.

I found a great hanging organizer that gave me more workable shelf space, and moved my longer dresses into a closet in another room, since I wear them less often. That opened up the perfect space for my hanging wall of sweaters, which I wear daily.

Swapping out my mismatching hangers for the same style instantly made my closet look way more organized. I found these rose gold ones from HAY and I love how minimal they are!

If you’re looking for ways to re-organize your closet, I’ve linked everything I used below! Let me know if you do!! I’d love to see how you transform your own space :)

hanging organizer / wire basket / hangers

dresser components:

drawer cube / shelf cube / large shelf cube / open cube